Keelhaul this should be the new EAT IT.
It totally needs the "bitches" on the end, though.
Talk more, people. Entertain me.
Working on it.
It makes me bananas when people pronounce "conch" with a soft "ch". It's KONK, dammit.
I did that for the longest while.
Oh, and there's no R in Washington.
::sets off regional dialect flame war::
I've seen cars with "ORYGUN" stickers in their back windows.
Then there's the question of whether you pronounce all the vowels in Colorado like "ah."
Best. Game. Evar.
I used to love playing this game. Then I discovered that you could play just as well by drinking lots of beer.
Emily, new trigonometry without sines, cosines and tangents [link]
Then I discovered that you could play just as well by drinking lots of beer.
And it's the perfect standby for those days when who just can't pull together any beer money.
new trigonometry without sines, cosines and tangents
I don't rightly know how to feel about that....
I don't rightly know how to feel about that....
Kinda tingly and warm is always a correct answer.
I just flipped over to CBS for Alabama-South Carolina.
At CU there was drinking before the game. But it looks like the WHOLE STADIUM has been hitting the bottle for hours. Even the cheerleaders look boozed up.
The only people who aren't drunk are the players.
Spinning until you are dizzy and walking into furniture is the best game ever!
My brother and I used to play it with the added bonus of trying not to crash into the fireplace. Not that my parents were around for that part.
FTR, my conservative friends deny categorically that this ever happened. Apparently this is a whole-cloth creation of the liberal media.
Now, I could see the guy claiming Jebby getting caught having sex in the mall parking lot was made up because it wasn't widely reported. Or George P getting caught trespassing on the girlfriend's property, because again, not really reported.
But Noelle was all over the papers and the news, it happened locally. There were press conferences and court appearances and mug shots (which someone linked to) the whole nine yards.
I'm not sure why someone would argue that something so public and witnessed by so many people didn't happen.
And it's the perfect standby for those days when who just can't pull together any beer money.
Yup. I've always been a fan of games with multiple scenarios.