FTR, my conservative friends deny categorically that this ever happened. Apparently this is a whole-cloth creation of the liberal media.
Your conservative friends have had too much Kool-Aid. I mean, JEB CRIED AT THE FRIKKIN NEWS CONFERENCE.
My conservative friends acknowledge it happened and say that this makes the Bushes "normal," since they have the same familial problems as the rabble.
To which I reply, "Yeah, it's SOOOO hard for me to choose between the Kennebunkport place or the Houston house for my massive political fundraiser."
"crank" phonecall has always driven me nuts -- though I understand it actually is legitimate.
But doesn't PRANK make more sense in context?
"Duck tape" for "duct tape" doesn't really bug me
There's even a competing brand called Duck Tape. Their logo is a duck.
The one that really just floored me? "It would be who of us [to do something]"
Um.... no.
My stepfather, and a stage manager I worked for, both say "renember". Every. Single. Time. I want to smack them and say "THERE'S NO 'N' IN THE WORD!"
Not a homonym, but I knew a guy who pronounced queue KWEE.
We sent out a flyer for a seminar we were running with the note that there were two "tracts" of programming.
We did this for well over a year before I noticed the error. Oy.
Oh, and there's no R in Washington.
::sets off regional dialect flame war::
I knew a guy who pronounced queue KWEE
That's one I read in books for a few years before I knew for sure how it was pronounced. It was the extra "ue" that threw me. But at least I bothered to find out for sure before I started using it regularly in conversation.
I think I was a little dubious on the pronunciation of "hegemony" for a while too.
I thought the phrase was "various insundry" until I was in collge.
TLaP day is the 19th.
How do I know this?
Because the 19th is also my anniversary. Keelhaul this, bitches.
(You know, that makes NO SENSE, but was fun to type.)
Keelhaul this should be the new EAT IT.
(Yes, I am at home with the baby and no car. By myself, as Paul is working. Thus the no car. I keep thinking, "I could..." before realizing that, nope either: a) no car; or b) no one to watch the kid while.)
When I get sick of being a human jungle gym, I guess I could do more laundry.
Talk more, people. Entertain me. Save me from the laundry monsters.