Steve Irwin getting peed on by opossums is pretty funny too, because of his sheer outrage. "The little one just *urinated* one me!"
Which just makes me think of his South Park caricature saying "So now I'm going to jam my thumb up 'is arse. CRIKEY, 'e's really pissed now...."
Most popular baby names in 2004
Why can't I get a constitutional amendment saying so?
She's tough, she's mostly pretty cool, (though before that immunity I was wondering if she was also the hugest jinx known to man), but I'm just ready to see new people and I'm a little tired of the dynamic that bringing people back engenders. And the thing is, it's like Cesternino back on all-star: you can't start over. People know you and know how strong you are, and they're not going to let you get past them, so the sooner they're gone the sooner the more interesting strategizing can begin. Plus that cult-of-Steph that was developing was getting beyond annoying.
And didn't the daughter get arrested a couple of years ago for forging prescriptions for narcotics?
Yes, her problems are the most widely publicised. She was caught with a forged prescription for Xanax. Then she violated her drug treatment plan and was sent back to jail.
All this happened right after JEB took a hard stance against drug users and , I think, was against lenancy and then his daughter gets caught.
At either her original hearing or at the violation hearing JEB wasn't there, just her mother. That made the local news, but I'm not sure about the national news. I think it also came out that Noelle had some traffic tickets that "went away" before this happened. In the 90s she was caught shoplifting.
Of course, JEB's wife couldn't stay out of legal trouble either. She got caught smuggling clothes and jewelry into the country on a return flight from Paris. She had about $20,000 worth of stuff and declared $500 . Supposedly she had most of the receipts for everything with her passport, but I don't know if that's true.
I was wondering if she was also [spoiler]
I was starting to wonder that too, Brenda.
Plus that cult-of-Steph that was developing was getting beyond annoying.
Oh, I'm right there with you on that one. And I agree, getting rid of
both her and Bobby Jon is going to allow the real strategizing to take place.
Still, I think I have a bit of a fan-boy crush. Just a small one, though.
Too late.
Jesse, daughter of Leslie
I have wished perkins a happy day , but I musn't forget
Happy Phoinex day
I am entertaining myself today by going through and watching all the Weebl and Bob cartoons in order.
After that, if I'm still bored, I may start in on all the other animations on the site.
I'm working.
At least I'm at a coffee shop with good music on my headphones and free internet. But still! Working! On a Saturday!
(of course, if I weren't working, I'd be doing laundry and cleaning house, so)
I almost forgot. Today is Talk Like a Pirate day.