I was wondering if she was also [spoiler]
I was starting to wonder that too, Brenda.
Plus that cult-of-Steph that was developing was getting beyond annoying.
Oh, I'm right there with you on that one. And I agree, getting rid of
both her and Bobby Jon is going to allow the real strategizing to take place.
Still, I think I have a bit of a fan-boy crush. Just a small one, though.
Too late.
Jesse, daughter of Leslie
I have wished perkins a happy day , but I musn't forget
Happy Phoinex day
I am entertaining myself today by going through and watching all the Weebl and Bob cartoons in order.
After that, if I'm still bored, I may start in on all the other animations on the site.
I'm working.
At least I'm at a coffee shop with good music on my headphones and free internet. But still! Working! On a Saturday!
(of course, if I weren't working, I'd be doing laundry and cleaning house, so)
I almost forgot. Today is Talk Like a Pirate day.
Arr, mateys! It's to be a happy day to ye Phoenix and ye Perkins, arrrr!
Arrgh, Matey Sean!
I do not NEED the recipe, but I'd like it, um, AHOY, for the cookbook.
Well, shiver me timbers!
Yarr, here be the pirate's ergonomic keyboard.
I do not NEED the recipe, but I'd like it, um, AHOY, for the cookbook.
I thought that might be it. I'll see if I can dig it up some time today.