No! It both is and isn't, at the same time, and you'll only know which one when you actually poke it to check. Sorry, physics geek.
Nilly's right. Except when someone said, "Is that Schrodinger's cat?," doesn't that imply the cat has already been looked at? Or maybe just the box that the cat is/isn't in was looked at?
Yeah, I was summing up the kerfuffles with a resounding, "...huh. I wonder if anyone has posted any porn."
"...huh. I wonder if anyone has posted any porn."
I hear Swinburne's well-hung....
"Is that Schrodinger's cat?" doesn't that imply the cat has already been looked at?
If the cat was looked at, the looker can tell definitely if it's alive or dead, though, right?
Or maybe just the box that the cat is/isn't in was looked at?
It can be a nice box with Schrodinger's note on it saying politely "Cat inside. Its status will require revolution in the world of physics. Open at your own risk. Oh, and there's some poison and a bit of radioactive stuff inside, too."
I hear Swinburne's well-hung....
Which one? Let me guess - Schrodinger's Swinburne?
If the cat was looked at, the looker can tell definitely if it's alive or dead, though, right?
Maybe the lighting was bad?
Maybe the lighting was bad?
Or the cat's blinvisible?
My favorite Schrodinger quote on Quantum Mechanics (specifically Born's Probability Wave Interpretation): "I don't like it, and I'm sorry I ever had anything to do with it."
I hear Swinburne's well-hung....
And now I have cold coffee up my nose.