1. World? You think it holds for all those country with a much lower cost of living than the US? So many places I could be living like a raucous king on $30K, relatively speaking.
Wasn't that part of the point? It was in my head.
2. I was talking locales that shift the averages, not individuals.
Either way.
It was in my head.
I can't see into your head through the cowgirl hat.
Anyway, even assuming a varying cost of living in different places in the US, there's still a federal poverty line that doesn't count any of that in the lower 48. [link] So that single person making less than $10K will still get way more benefit from the grand than I'm hurt by losing it.
the earth cooled?
I can breathe for the first time.
It's a song, sorry. Kelly Clarkson.
When I was in college, there was a philosphy/theology course requirement. You had to take one course in each, plus a third from either. By the time I got done with one semester of philosophy I knew that my agnostic self would be taking theology as my elective. Bozhe moi!
Which reminds me -- Nutty -- you need to learn how to get the cheetah to come to you.
You could install a ceiling fan in the squash court, and then lie in wait under a bed. The cheetah will come...
the well-documented readiness of the Bush administration to manipulate and suppress scientific findings - manifestly to appease industrial interests and religious constituencies.
The problem I have with Professor Swinburne's little intellectual exercise is that the jackass in the White House will take it as proof that that God really exists, and supports the war in Iraq.
So pleased that Brent was COMMed, because the Things What Come Out of Brent's Mouth are endlessly amusing.