Philosophy is like math, only it uses ideas isntead of numbers.
By the time I got to the interesting bits of math, there were precious few numbers. It was all about the symbols, and that's why the philosophy and math departments finally had to make it so you couldn't get credit for taking certain courses in both departments. Luckily they didn't notice this until
I had done so.
However, a mathematician will tell you that certain proofs are just pencil marks on paper, and others make your co-workers sit up and nod appreciatively.
I outlined my criteria for an interesting wrestling match -- I was wondering what the philosphical wisdom on "interesting" was. Also, if it includes a racquetball court.
Which reminds me -- Nutty -- you need to learn how to get the cheetah to come to you.
It'd be more interesting, to me, to prove that an all-powerful and all-loving god would make faith a test, the losing side of which gets eternal damnation.
But not interesting enough to study the physics of space-time, I'm afraid.
All they're concerned about, most of the time, is whether the conclusion is interesting to them.
So it's only about the conclusion? Not about the axioms or the process of getting there? Because you could just pick a good conclusion, rig the argument, and booyah!
BOB!!! heya.
also, you capitalized ita and made me laugh.
you need to learn how to get the cheetah to come to you.
I draw the line at wearing a live springbok around my neck.
Although possibly J. Lo wouldn't.
I think, on the whole, that is the only worthwhile way to have single combat with a cheetah. I mean, if you just plopped me down into the savannah someplace, I would never be able to even find the cheetah, so the combat would never happen.
Unless it found you. Or maybe you should be looking for a leopard instead: [link]
But then it's not actually a conclusion. It's just making shit up.
when did J.Lo become part of the cheetah challenge?
It'd be more interesting, to me, to prove that an all-powerful and all-loving god would make faith a test, the losing side of which gets eternal damnation.
Yeah. To me too.
It's like there's a carrot-and-stick approach, so you're supposed to believe because it's in your best interest to believe, which for some reason bugs me.
"Believe this is is true and you'll get presents! But if you don't believe, you get a spanking!"
I don't know. I thought Puffy Combs, and the rest came naturally.
But, I mean, she is into fur coats, right? A live springbok is just a fur coat with some sharp parts and an alimentary canal.