Falwell said:
"I really believe that the pagans, and the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People For the American Way, all of them who have tried to secularize America. I point the finger in their face and say 'you helped this happen.'"
He later semi-apologized, saying that only the terrorists were responsible but that the people mentioned above may have caused God to lift his/her veil of protection or something like that.
They both blamed America (or at least Americans) for 9/11.
Many people assigned some portion of blame to American actions. They, significantly I think, blamed God. And don't think that's not gonna come back to haunt them.
World not big enough to contain my cranky.
Need more coffee. Then will climb clocktower.
They, significantly I think, blamed God.
File under: people unclear on the concept.
I've come to the conclusion lately that the grown-up thing to do in most fuckups is to get over blame, despite how emotionally satisfying it might be. It's useful to assess what mistakes happened, so as to plan properly for next time, but blaming people only ends up with recriminations, defensiveness, and wasted time.
I don't say this only because I'm as often as not the one who fucked up, but that's a nice side effect, seeing other people skip over the public-humiliation part of fuckup-recovery.
In non-fuckup news, happies to Kalshane! I have been enjoying 29 for 11 months now, and will be leaving it behind in two weeks.
And Happy Birthday, Kalshane!
Happy Birthday, Kalshane!
Much ~ma to tiggy's family.
I found out last night that someone I know vaguely through fandom (as in, read her LJ, like her fic and nonfic writing, never have met) had a stroke and is in the hospital. She's doing pretty well, but has a long recovery ahead. Argh. I don't know what I can do about it other than send her good vibes.
Bad things shouldn't happen to funny, cool people.
I hope your aunt and cousin recover quickly, tiggy.
Happy birthday, Kalshane!
As of 3-something this morning, I am 29. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet.
It's better than the alternative? Happy birthday, Kalshane. It's never too late to have a misspent youth.
Hippo birdies to Kalshane and health-ma to tiggy's family.