Long article on the situation from MSMBC: [link]
“Hospitals are trying to evacuate,” said Coast Guard Lt. Cmdr. Cheri Ben-Iesan, spokesman at the city emergency operations center. “At every one of them, there are reports that as the helicopters come in people are shooting at them. There are people just taking potshots at police and at helicopters, telling them, “You better come get my family.”
Doesn't excuse the sheer bloodminded idiocy of shooting at people
coming to rescue hospitalized patients
for God's sake, but it looks like a lot of them are out of their minds from desperation.
Well, two out of three ain't bad.
::am now earwormed. am sure this was ita's intention::
Vonnie just posted what I was going to. It's desperation, a frantic attempt to get the helicopter/boat/truck for their own use. Well, and probably some malicious asses too.
Dear god. I just can't even believe what's going on there.
In lighter news...
My in-laws visited Jimmy Carter's church last weekend and got a great photo op with the man.
Very cool! I love Jimmy Carter. Funny story: My grandparents were heavily involved with Habitat for Humanity for over 20 years, sat on the national board and everything. At my grandfather's funeral a couple of weeks ago, there was a guy who looked EXACTLY like Jimmy Carter. Turned out to be my dad's high school guidance counselor, of all people, but there was a rumor going around at the reception afterwards that Jimmy Carter had come to my grandpa's funeral. Which, you know, my grandpa would have loved (either the rumor or the man himself), so that was great.
Russia's got to be the largest in land area. I'm guessing Canada is second. Is the U.S. third, or is it China or Aussie-land, I'm thinking with Alaska the U.S. would be third, but I'm not sure. I guess I could Google, but guessing is more fun.
I guess I could Google, but guessing is more fun.
Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. I thought about posting my conjecture, but then I realized that Google would ruin my fun.