I'm getting a distinct Full Metal Jacket vibe from that dude. Scary.
Some guys are just itching for the chance to play army.
Oh, and it looks like the mainstream media is beginning to pay attention to Bush's lack of concern about natural disasters prior to Katrina:
This administration has consistently played down the possibility of environmental disaster, in Louisiana and everywhere else. The president's most recent budgets have actually proposed reducing funding for flood prevention in the New Orleans area, and the administration has long ignored Louisiana politicians' requests for more help in protecting their fragile coast, the destruction of which meant there was little to slow down the hurricane before it hit the city. It is inappropriate to 'blame' anyone for a natural disaster. But given how frequently the impact of this one was predicted, and given the scale of the economic and human catastrophe that has resulted, it is certainly fair to ask questions about disaster preparations.
From the Washington Post - [link]
I'm getting a distinct Full Metal Jacket vibe from that dude. Scary.
He's maybe having a little too much fun with the whole thing, but I didn't find him scary.
I just looked at the dude's page but haven't started reading. I have to admit that the fact his LJ icon is a ka-bar knife has already affected my view of him.
I really wish the Yahoo! headline didn't read "Bush Taps Father, Clinton..."
(To be completely honest, the whole things screams "Hoax!" to me. Not saying it *can't* be real, but I won't be surprised if it's ever debunked.)
I couldn't sleep last night, and I ended up watching Tennis. It was some young unknown against Nadal, and I was so rooting for the other guy
His name was Jenkins. I thought he had the most angelic face. That is when I wasn't checking out the rest of him.
I'm fondly remembering Nilly's laughter. I don't think I cry in movies, but I laugh.
I'm backing away from the computer now. Reading the White House line on the New Orleans disaster is making my blood pressure surge.
I totally cry in movies. I cry at times no one else does. But heck, I've teared up at Chevy commercials. I don't cry very much at real life, though.
(To be completely honest, the whole things screams "Hoax!" to me. Not saying it *can't* be real, but I won't be surprised if it's ever debunked.)
Well, he's got a bunch of photos that were obviously taken from a high elevation....
Reading the White House line on the New Orleans disaster is making my blood pressure surge.
This NYT editorial might make you feel better. Or worse.
George W. Bush gave one of the worst speeches of his life yesterday, especially given the level of national distress and the need for words of consolation and wisdom. In what seems to be a ritual in this administration, the president appeared a day later than he was needed. He then read an address of a quality more appropriate for an Arbor Day celebration: a long laundry list of pounds of ice, generators and blankets delivered to the stricken Gulf Coast. He advised the public that anybody who wanted to help should send cash, grinned, and promised that everything would work out in the end.
Sacrifices may be necessary to make sure that all these things happen in an orderly, efficient way. But this administration has never been one to counsel sacrifice. And nothing about the president's demeanor yesterday - which seemed casual to the point of carelessness - suggested that he understood the depth of the current crisis
(To be completely honest, the whole things screams "Hoax!" to me. Not saying it *can't* be real, but I won't be surprised if it's ever debunked.)
I didn't get that sense from a skim, but I wouldn't be surprised if you're right. I find it hard to believe almost anything I can't see with my own eyes about what's happening in NO right now.
I have an instinctive distrust of anyone who enjoys playing survival. As one might expect, I met a lot of them as I was growing up, and I can't think of one that didn't have me backing away with minutes of meeting (normally him). Survival living isn't fun or enjoyable. It shouldn't be.