Mom called around 7 this morning Matthew couldn't get in touch with his mother to let her know he was ok. He called grandmother who was trying to call his mother, and has now gotten her and my mother who called me.
More than a little relieved, and now I have to run to work. Thanks for the thoughts, and I didn't want anyone worrying now that we've located him.
Nilly! I took a look at my postcard last night and the best I can tell, it is a picture of some building on stilts with people underneath. Kristin and I were looking at it last night and I discovered that the description of the picture is in Hebrew, so I sent it to school with her so someone could maybe translate it.
Oh good, Heather. I was hoping you'd hear. I hope all goes well on your way to and in Shreveport.
That's great news Heather.
Heather, thanks for posting your good news.
it is a picture of some building on stilts with people underneath
If I'm ever sending you a postcard from Israel, it's going to have camels on it.
I sent it to school with her so someone could maybe translate it
I was reading it thinking "oh, if you scan it I can translate it!", and then you mentioned Kristin, and, well, so much easier.
I now have a doughnut. I'm not sure what to call it. It looks like a little loaf of bread.
Tim Horton's has these. They're sort of like a donut muffin.
They're sort of like a donut muffin
Foods have too many names. Or maybe in-English foods. Or maybe in-American-English foods, I don't know where the difference lies. That's what I learned from skimming yesterday's Natter.
Tim Horton's has these. They're sort of like a donut muffin.
Aren't they just loaf-shaped muffins?
Aren't they just loaf-shaped muffins?
Not really, because they only seem to come in donut flavors, at least the ones I've seen. The texture is more donutty, too.