I do pick and choose which friends I go to certain kinds of movies with to avoid them harshing my mellow.
That's why I prefer going to movies by myself. When I go with someone, I'm always peripherally aware of them, and it keeps me from getting totally absorbed in the movie.
I am also a total insane movie loving freak, so I realize that it is possible that other folks might not make it their number one priority to work hard to retrain their emotions merely so they can go to more movies.
Although it sounds like a darn good idea to me.
Actually, this reminds me of a movie-going question I have: I still haven't seen The 40 Year Old Virgin. So I was thinking about going to a matinee by myself, now that it's school time again. Is seeing it alone in a mostly-empty theater a bad idea?
Is seeing it alone in a mostly-empty theater a bad idea?
Only if you're embarrassed about laughing out loud without a crowd of people around doing the same. (Which I probably would be. Well, not embarrassed, exactly, but I'd have less fun seeing it alone. But then, I don't do movies alone because at least half the fun is having someone to share the experience with and talk about it right afterwards.)
Well, you won't miss any lines due to laughs, so that's good. I would go see it by myself, especially a matinee.
Only if you're embarrassed about laughing out loud without a crowd of people around doing the same.
I'm apparently not, but I can be persuaded to laugh by other people nearby.
I'm skipping like 400 posts. I think I'm going home on Friday. There's a lot of displaced people in Shreveprort who need help. I'll mostly just be washing clothes and doing grocery shopping. My step-father just issued over 800 passes for the busses so that people could get around.
All my girlfriends are going back to help.
I had phone calls all day that pretty much went like, "I'm in Dallas because of the hurricane, I can't go home, I can't pay for the hotel/motel/whatever...Can you help me?"
Also, apparently my cousin didn't get off the boat, and I don't know where he is.
Today is bad.
You're a good person, Heather. I'm sorry you have to do it.
You should go with Bob!
Can you get him to my neighborhood noon-ish for the bargain matinee pricing? If so, I'm SO IN.