I'm skipping like 400 posts. I think I'm going home on Friday. There's a lot of displaced people in Shreveprort who need help. I'll mostly just be washing clothes and doing grocery shopping. My step-father just issued over 800 passes for the busses so that people could get around.
All my girlfriends are going back to help.
I had phone calls all day that pretty much went like, "I'm in Dallas because of the hurricane, I can't go home, I can't pay for the hotel/motel/whatever...Can you help me?"
Also, apparently my cousin didn't get off the boat, and I don't know where he is.
Today is bad.
You're a good person, Heather. I'm sorry you have to do it.
You should go with Bob!
Can you get him to my neighborhood noon-ish for the bargain matinee pricing? If so, I'm SO IN.
Today is bad.
I'm sorry, Heather. May it get only better.
So sorry, Heather.
I've been trying to get in contact with all my college friends. Everyone I've talked to is OK, but there are a few people who haven't gotten back to me yet. I wish there was more I could do to help everything over there.
so very sorry Heather. may tomorrow be better
Getting him out of the house by noon? NO DEAL.
I like pimping out my BF, though. I should get myself a cup.
Or a hat, at the very least.
Getting him out of the house by noon? NO DEAL.
I figured. Damn lazy academic types. Odds that I myself make it around the corner by then are slim to none.