Plus I'm guessing that many businessess will decided that a theocracy wouldn't have the best environment for their employees, and thus would locate elsewhere, putting the economy of the theocracy in the toilet.
For example, it'd be difficult to have a work environment supportive of gays and lesbians in a state that puts gays and lesbians to death.
Maybe we could convince the Christian separatists to move to Sudan, where a right-wing insane-o theocracy might actually be a step up from what those poor people have right now.
More to the point, hello! Don't these people READ the Bible? I am an unbelieving reprobate and even I know about the rainbow sign, and how it means I promise that next time I totally destroy you it won't be with water.
Ah, but this is only
destruction. Seems the Almighty found a loop-hole.
My folks are in SC. I just sent them a copy of that so they know who some of there new neighbors are.
most of thier neighbors are ex-military. the rest - are pretty much trapped there due to $$ and odd land issues.
Maybe we could convince the Christian separatists to move to Sudan, where a right-wing insane-o theocracy might actually be a step up from what those poor people have right now.
I thought it was right wing insano theocrats that were the problem in the Sudan.
I thought it was right wing insano theocrats that were the problem in the Sudan.
I thought it was sheer anarchy combined with marauding bands of nutcases with machetes.
"Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture has long advocated the idea of teaching the strengths and weaknesses about Darwinian evolution."
The problem is that in order to do this, you have to teach Darwinian evolution AND have a viable alternative scientific model, and the conserva-fundies don't want to do the former and have nothing for the latter. So, while they're all for "teaching the strengths and weaknesses," they don't have an ID package that can be easily put into a science book.
I'm kinda pissy about the attitude the coasts have towards Flyover-Jesusland.
I'll bet that New Orleans proper was a blue spot on the more detailed maps of red and blue.
If its sinners God is after he broke the wrong levy.
Seriously. The French Quarter is in better shape than so much else.
Either God goofed up or he ISN'T exacting horrible revenge. Sheesh. You'd think even the nuttiest fundie nut would see that their logic is shaky.