"Discovery Institute's Center for Science and Culture has long advocated the idea of teaching the strengths and weaknesses about Darwinian evolution."
The problem is that in order to do this, you have to teach Darwinian evolution AND have a viable alternative scientific model, and the conserva-fundies don't want to do the former and have nothing for the latter. So, while they're all for "teaching the strengths and weaknesses," they don't have an ID package that can be easily put into a science book.
I'm kinda pissy about the attitude the coasts have towards Flyover-Jesusland.
I'll bet that New Orleans proper was a blue spot on the more detailed maps of red and blue.
If its sinners God is after he broke the wrong levy.
Seriously. The French Quarter is in better shape than so much else.
Either God goofed up or he ISN'T exacting horrible revenge. Sheesh. You'd think even the nuttiest fundie nut would see that their logic is shaky.
Huh.. From the October 2004 Nat'l Geographic on Lousisiana's wetlands.
After reading a friend's, er, former friend's blog yesterday, I'm kinda pissy about the attitude the coasts have towards Flyover-Jesusland. Former friend said, in effect, that the people in Mississippi deserved to die because they were stupid and didn't vote the right way in 2004.
Just went and checked your blogroll. I got it in one.
Former friend is the right word. For the things he said about Southerners he gets the kind of undying hatred I normally reserve for Dubya.
I'm kinda pissy about the attitude the coasts have towards Flyover-Jesusland. Former friend said, in effect, that the people in Mississippi deserved to die because they were stupid and didn't vote the right way in 2004.
I'm not sure it's fair to group those two sentences. I live in the bluest of blue state (and we're flyover, too!) and I've heard nothing of the sort. Jackassery knows no color.
There are the millions of poor folk who'd be trapped in the theocracy, getting stoned to death in public squares, who were unable to leave due to not having anyplace else to go, I think.
Eh. If they seceded, they'd be another country, and we never jump in when this happens in other countries.
Probably better to set aside some real estate where the therocratists could move to. Like, oh, Venus.
I need a word: mundaneness? mundancity?
And ITA with bon about gas pricing and motivation.
Thousands? God.
I just saw on the news that the mayor of a hurricane-hit Mississippi town has been reported missing, too. (Can't remember the name of the town now, damn it...)