Oh, she's adorable! Such lively face, not just lovely.
including the 5 generation pictures
Wow, *5* generations. The oldest lady is your great-grandmother? It's amazing that she and Emma got to meet. It happened with my (now late) grandfather and his "fifth generation". I'm not sure they took pictures, though.
Really good, actually.
Oh, excellent. I like it that they're all mid-week, nothing straight on Monday or dragging to Friday.
Okay, so maybe we're a teensy smidgen evil:
::snerk:: I liked the
t angels
Yes, ma'am.
I love the picture with all of you, in which she holds Emma. Such a long line, so many years and events, and they meet, in something so simple and so special as a baby cradled in loving arms.
I love the picture with all of you, in which she holds Emma. Such a long line, so many years and events, and they meet.
We were all together to celebrate her 100th birthday. It's amazing to think of what hadn't happened/didn't exist/came to be in her lifetime.
When my cousin was in middle school (she lived in Oklahoma at the time) the other middle school in town was declared unfit because of asbestos. My cousin's several years younger than me, I think I was in high school at the time.
They closed the doors to the school and wouldn't let the kids back in, they had staff come in and empty out the kids' lockers in bags and put them in the gym (the only safe place on school grounds) to be picked up.
I think they shortened the school days a bit and had classed during the day and in the evening until a new school could be built.
I'm trying to imagine living in a sports arena for 4 months.
Actually... there used to be an apartment in the Astrodome once upon a time. The team owner was supposed to live there, but he didn't stay there all that much, and the space was eventually converted into something else. Let me see if I can dig it up on Google.
And in this hour's "Can It Get Any Worse?" update:
The normally unflappable Jefferson Parish Emergency Management Director Walter Maestri broke into tears as he broadcast a call to help for anyone who could offer food or water to officials at the parish's emergency operations center in Marrero.
Maestri said anyone who can help with the necessities of life for workers at the center can call (504) 349-5360.
Maestri said the water situation is so dire that like many people in the parish and the area, they are trapped in the center.
Other statements from him (via WWL):
11:33 A.M. - Director Walter Maestri: We have no food or water for the evacuees. Says emergency workers have seized the food and water and drinks from Sam's Club, Wal-Mart and other groceries for evacuees, but he said that is all gone. Says water supply is gone. More water expected, but its not there right now. Says evacuees are getting upset and harried.
11:32 A.M. - Director Walter Maestri: FEMA and national agencies not delivering the help nearly as fast as it is needed.
11:30 A.M. - Emergency Operations Director Walter Maestri: Evacuees from New Orleans and the east bank of Jefferson are flocking to the west bank, overwhelming the facilities.
This is rapidly turning into a massive humanitarian disaster. The "our tsunami" statements may be hyperbole, but I'm seeing some strong parallels in terms of physical destruction hampering the ability for aid to be sent in.
Also, W is going to release some oil from the Strategic Reserves - that should help a bit
It may not help a whole lot if there are some oil refineries shut down.
Sky boxes wouldn't be so bad. As big as many studio apartments with a bathroom and kitchenette, but there aren't 30K of them. I feellike there should be a message board somewhere that people can post things like:
I have a small room available for anyone needing it in NYC. Free for up to 3 months.