Yes, exactly! What, she tourists into a disaster area to gawk and take pictures of people who just lost everything and then has the balls to talk about class?
It reminds me of the complaints about the vendors selling swag at the WTC. The VENDORS? What about the people buying the crap? The vendors are largely poor folks who, at least initially, had just lost their already shitty jobs. The purchasers are TOURISTS buying SOUVENIERS. Ugh.
If I were in that sitch, I'd raid the grocery store for bottled water, canned everything, tampons, antibacterial everything, and maybe hit a pharmacy for amoxocillin. Then I'd hit a gun shop for a pistol and as many bullets as I could handle.
This I know about me.
Survival rawks.
As freaked as we are we at least have information, the poor souls there know even less. Last night on the news they mentioned there was no PA in the Superdome -- the rain starts coming in and there's no efficient way to tell people that the structure is still sound.
No PA, no Jumbotron, no communications methods. All the news they're getting is from the refugees that the Guard and police are hauling into the dome.
Word is that the TV stations are working with the city to see if there's any way they can get power to the PA and Jumbotron so that they can broadcast some of the images, but apparently the Superdome's backup generators are being threatened by the rising water, so they may not have any power at all soon.
A top casino executive is calling on the Mississippi Legislature to enact emergency legislation to keep the state's coast gaming industry alive.
Isn't that what insurance is for?
Hey guys, check out my new
A friend of mine had some vision problems as a child that her doctor attributed to her not blinking properly. She had to practice blinking. There was even a pamphlet.
I gotta admit, when she told me that, I blinked a couple of times.
Anyone else hoping Denise Bollinger gets stuck on an isolated patch of concrete as the floodwaters rise?
It's probably happening, but what a waste of effort for people to steal stuff they don't need RIGHT NOW. Where to put it? If jewelry, where sell it? What you gonna do with all those jeans?
I wonder if there was electronics looting. Might have seemed like a good idea at the time ... I mean, the cool kids always grab TVs...
You now how the I-10 Twin Span is gone? Check out the US 90 bridge in Biloxi.
I wonder if there was electronics looting. Might have seemed like a good idea at the time ... I mean, the cool kids always grab TVs...
I guess you can float it home.