I don't think people 'stealing' groceries should be called looters.
In general, yes. But you can't eat jewelry.
More news:
"WWL-TV Reporter quotes officials as saying there may now be 60,000 people in the Superdome and that more people are still being urged to go there."
If there were someone there to pay they likely would. "Hey, lots of food! I'm starving! Ah well, no one at the register... nebbermind"
2:07 P.M. - (AP) -- A top casino executive is calling on the Mississippi Legislature to enact emergency legislation to keep the state's coast gaming industry alive.
Because, after all, if the mob ain't happy, ain't no one happy.
One of the casino barges is sitting above the beach. That is, it floated over the beach and is sitting about 50 feet inland. Another one is sitting on a main road.
Are there people stealing jewelry? I mean, that's the kind of thing the vendors had time to lock up, given that they do it pretty quickly every night. So far, I'm inclined to give the looters a break-- a lot of that merchandise is a total loss, and can't be sold for awhile.
For people who don't know how. To bake a potato.
For people who don't know how. To bake a potato.
I can make lasagna from scratch (including the noodles), but somehow baking a potato is still hit and miss for me.
I think I'm easily bored.
::runs off to register howtoscratchyourbutt.com::
Hey guys, check out my new site--howtoblink.com
I cannot understand the reasoning employed by *those who had the ability and opportunity* to leave, but didn't. But it's cold, calling anyone going through this utter nightmare--for whatever reason--a fool.
My heart breaks for everyone in the LA/MS/AL region who got hit so hard. There is a ton of property damage in addition to the loss of life. I feel horribly for the people who had to weather this storm because they couldn't evacuate.
But, honestly, for those who *could* evacuate and *didn't*? I don't get it and never will.