Did you get the knit (tshirt like) beech or the um, non-knit beech sheets? (beech=modal, right?) I have the nonknit, and I LOVE THEM. Better than silk, frankly, which is just a little crisper.
I got them in deep purply plum when I realized I needed new sheets, and though the price ($60) was a shocker for cheapass me, so worth it.
I want to go to the zoo tomorrow (provided my neck doesn't explode.) Kat's polar bear pictures inspired me. Plus, there is a bird thing where you can feed them and they can land on you and whatnot through the end of the month, and that would be cool.
I like finding furniture. However, my apartment is at its maximum furniture allowance right now. I don't even have room for more bookcases! (and that is getting critical.)
In a new place, I'd love to get some barrister bookcases to go alongside the wrought iron stuff. And a writing desk like my mom's friend has (I housesat for her ages ago. Her husband's great-something was captain of a shipping thingy. AMAZING gorgeous antiques from all over the world.) I also would love to start collecting old telephone tables to use as sidetables. Alas, no room.
Posting to show off latest Gavin-tag.
So damaged, yet so quotable.
Cuddle lounge -- mine'll be in sage green w/ 2 purple cushions.
Someone at work convinced me I might like the movie Alfie, so I netflixed it.
I think I shall have to mock her on Monday.
Someone at work convinced me I might like the movie Alfie, so I netflixed it.
I think I shall have to mock her on Monday.
The Michael Caine version, or the Jude Law version?
Based on the mocking, I'm guessing it's the Jude Law version.
I had a pretty good Saturday. I slept in, had a bizarro dream, later when I was awake, re-filled my allergy prescription, had the free corn at Corn Fest, and a funnel cake and a lemon shakeup, watched horse racing on tv, went back to Corn Fest for frozen custard and a hummous pita sandwich and came home to watch dvds and phone my friends.
What up, gangstas.
I can't remember how I found out about this place, but I've been lurking here a longish while. Just in case you were thinking about it, there's no need for everyone to waste a post saying hi or welcome or something.
One day I will have the skills to convey just how boring today was, but until then, I'll just say that I would have gladly watched the Jude Law
had I the option.
Hi JamesK!
Um... you're not my brother, are you?
Um... you're not my brother, are you?
Well, I actually checked your profile to make sure, but no.
The K is for Kimbell, by the way.