She's at least an F cup, but refuses to wear anything over a D, so she ends up with four boobs.
The dreaded quadra-boob!
I was all excited recently when I met a guy who used to work on What Not To Wear, and I said I wanted to go on it, and he looked me up and down and said I'd never get on. Some of those people are just tragic.
Cruel Intentions is on ABC Family! I guess the "Family" part is the reason for all the cuts and whatnot.
Ooh! And there's TV's Pacey! Who recently offered my friend some coke at a party.
My life suddenly sounds much more glamourous than it looks, sitting home watching TV on a Friday night.
I just saw an update on that, Dana. Invite your parents now. It looks like it could be very ugly. I'm sorry.
I just made a sound I shouldn't short of something jumping up and biting me with longass fangs on the ass.
That's right, Devi got another GODDAMNED MOUSE.
I was just sitting at the table and turned to look at her and there she was, staring at a very dead little mouse, smaller than my thumb, lying on the threshold to the kitchen. No idea when or where it came from, because there has been no Devi crackers mode since I got home. God knows where she had it stashed. It wasn't there this evening, and until recently, she had been in my bedroom.
In case anyone cares, it was an explosive, operatic DOAH! sound. My throat is still mad at me.
Hee. I just sold a skirt to someone in Elizabethtown, KY. Hee.
Hell, you could have sent it to me, and I could have dropped it off at her house.
ita! The discs arrived all safe and sound. Woo hoo!
Also, I took the bus home and it dropped me off right at the edge of Cornfest, so I wandered around a bit and bought a gyro and a giant order of fries for supper. Tomorrow: funnel cake, custard and lemon shake-up! (They were selling Wisconson Chedder Curds. . . I find that I am able to resist that -- but Elephant Ear or Funnel Cake? That's a question for the ages.) Free corn tomorrow too.
Steph, are you feeling better with no dizzy spells?
I killed the thread asking about Teppy.
I'm still cursing never having had a teen girl body. You'd think, what with people who were born when I entered my teens now on the cusp of leaving theirs, that I'd be over it by now, but I have a flash of resentment every time I walk through juniors.
But jeans in one's actual size and t-shirts are pretty much ageless, right?
I know it's a whole different issue since I'm a man, but encroaching flab made me give up T-shirts except for special geekish occasions (and even then only under an undone button shirt) about 5 years ago. I really, really don't want to be sweaty overweight Comic Book Guy.
But why not? It's so eeeeaaaasy. And they save your addresses so you don't have to retype them every time.
Because they're technoretards! I asked the NY office how they generated vacation reports for their attorneys. They get a print out. Then somebody sits down and inputs the whole fucking thing back into their (already lameass, with crappy reporting functionality) absence tracking system. Nobody could figure out how to do an upload from the billing system. It's just data you fuckwits! Every database in the whole entire world can dump out a CSV file! Gahhhhh.
Killer robots performance art? How is that related to taxidermied cats in frames?
In their early days they didn't just do robots. They [avert your eyes if you're squeamish, or care about the dignified treatment of dead animals]
would take recently dead animals and hook them up to robot armatures and make them twitch and run and move and open their dead jaws at you. We're talking still stinky roadkill cats and raccoons and dogs.
But jeans in one's actual size and t-shirts are pretty much ageless, right?
Speaking of,
Gap "curvy" fit: I recommend it. Solved my jeans problem handily for only $40. (My jeans problem being a seven inch waist/hip differential). I imagine their "straight" fit is also a lifesaver.
Because they're technoretards
I think poor management is pretty much par for the course with professional partnerships-- management decisions can't be made by non-lawyers, so you have a bunch of people trying to bill $600/hr while upgrading the billing systems. Hah!
What's a vacation report? Cuz I'm pretty sure I could take forty days this year and no one would notice.