Heh, the continuation of a post right in the middle of an italics tag happened again.
SA "Buffista Music III: The Search for Bach" Mar 16, 2006 2:44:43 pm PST
Same conditions as last time. It's because the music peeps are posting liner notes for mixes, so there are lots of long posts with occasional italicized lines in them. I suspect we'll see it a couple more times until all the mixes are done.
Note that the following link does not work when just entered by itself: [link]
It ends in a ",/" which is odd, but that ",/" seems to be necessary.
ION, I have no idea if this affect us, but....
phpBB mass hack being prepared?
During the last few days a bot using a name FuntKlakow, has been registering to maybe thousands of phpBB forums. Some speculate that the bot's owners are preparing to exploit an unreported vulnerability.
There was a little bit of script kiddie activity the other day, but no one named FuntKlakow has registered.
I was just editing the Swag link in the links section, and after I was finished, the SQL appeared at the top of the next screen:
INSERT INTO links (link_title, link_URL, link_submittor, link_added, link_category, link_description) VALUES ('Buffista Swag from CafePress', 'http://www.cafepress.com/cp/store.aspx?s=sf2f,buffistacorp,buffistastore,buffistasecure,buffistawbs,buffistaf2f,DCF2F,buffistababy,2003F2F,fdabuffnologo,buffistafda,gsvpsavedme,itsfuckinggreat,pgj,ivotenaked,specialhell,buffistabitches,notironic,nottolove,xand', 20, NOW(), 15, 'Go! Buy! Buffistas.org goodies abound. T-shirts, mugs, mousepads, messenger bags, hats, and more.')
Functionally, everything was fine, but I thought I'd mention it anyway.
Oops! The board's underwear is showing. At least it's clean, with no inappropriate holes.
There's an(other) email in the admins box from someone inquiring as to our software's availability and terms.
What was price of that Buffista island again?
crosspost from Bureau - I cannot log out. please help. am on safari.
I've had this problem before. On your profile page at Buffistas, uncheck "Remember Me." Log out of Buffistas, delete your history*, and quit out of Safari.
*I can't give specifics on how to delete the history, I'm not on a Mac right now, so I can't confirm the details. I think it's under the internet settings under the Tools menu, but I'm not certain. Hopefully someone else can detail it.
But I do remember that even unchecking Remember Me wasn't enough on Safari, and I had to delete the browser's history to keep it from being able to log back in automatically at Buffistas.
I just tried it on Safari without the history deletion, and it worked. So give that a shot first, in case you're using a version like mine and not Sean's.