It could replace the FAQ...
That is, a subset of the wiki could be the FAQ.
Haven't a number of people been working on editing and refining the FAQ for a while now? I'm not sure that's something that should be editable by all registered users. Just think how many times serial commas would be edited in and out.
But they could edit serial commas in and out and in and out and in and out and IN WHICH IS THE ONE TRUE ANSWER instead of discussing it! That's the beauty of the thing!
I'm certainly looking forward to deleting commas in the middle of the night.
The Hivemind Wiki....two commas enter, one comma leaves...
What a good idea!
I don't have any recommendations. I looked at a bunch of wiki software a couple years ago, and didn't love any of it, but I'm sure there are more/better options now.
ita: So I had this, the Buffista wiki.
Readable by all, editable by registered users, perhaps not searchable.
Just a place to put...stuff. Stuff that might get repeatedly Nillied. Product recommendation. Tips from Buffistechnology. know.
DXMachina: Sounds cool.
ita: I was afraid of that.
I both fear and am amazed by us. Often in the same post.
Wiki = cool. Nighttime serial comma edits = so very Buffista.
Hivemind wiki is a great idea!
I'm saving up my commas to put in the serial.
I'm having an odd problem with the board using Firefox. Even though I have "remember me" checked as yes, every time I quit all the way out of Firefox (as opposed to just closing the browser window), it signs me out. I know it's not a cookies issue, since the board is on my cookies list, and when I go to sign back in, Firefox has autofilled in my user name and password, so all I have to do is click "Okay".
I am not getting signed out of LJ or any other sites I have looked at-- just this one.
Any ideas why?