I checked the server options to see if there's any spam blocking, and there's a MAP thing, but I have more reading to do. If we go with a non-Plesk-panel solution, that's Scola.
Buffistas Building a Better Board ++
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The board is loading very slowly for me the last couple of minutes, in contrast to other sites. I mean, it's making LJ look fast, and usually b.org is the fastest site I visit. Me, or us?
I've been having the same issue. Just noticed it today.
Aaaand now I'm fine. Speedy as usual. Hmm.
There's a space missing between the question mark and the following sentence for the Natter description:
...or physics?This is...
Actually, it was the slug. (The description is that blurb at the top of each page in the thread.) Fixed.
That's actually very odd, because when I created the thread, all I did was cut and paste the slug from Natter 41, and that one is fine.
So I had this thought--hivemind.buffistas.org, the Buffista wiki.
Readable by all, editable by registered users, perhaps not searchable.
Just a place to put...stuff. Stuff that might get repeatedly Nillied. Product recommendation. Tips from Buffistechnology. Recipes...you know.
Sounds cool.
I was afraid of that.
The key would be modifying good wiki software to put our user security on top of it.
Forcing one to be logged in to post or edit is probably not as complex as fully replacing any wiki security tables with our own.
But I will think on it.
If anyone knows any wiki software that might lend itself gracefully to these mods, plese holler.
hivemind.buffistas.org, the Buffista wiki
Oooooooh. I like this idea.