The girl's not playing with a full deck, Giles. She has almost no deck. She has a three.

Buffy ,'Same Time, Same Place'

Buffistas Building a Better Board ++

Do you have problems, concerns, or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.

Kat - Jul 23, 2005 8:18:01 pm PDT #7 of 4669
"I keep to a strict diet of ill-advised enthusiasm and heartfelt regret." Leigh Bardugo

I was curious too. It'll be migrating away, right?

Stephanie - Jul 24, 2005 3:29:28 am PDT #8 of 4669
Trust my rage

It seems weird down on the bottom.

DXMachina - Jul 24, 2005 3:34:12 am PDT #9 of 4669
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.

That's actually something we may want to put on the list, the ability to have the right-hand threads appear in whatever order we want. BBaBB doesn't really matter, but if we ever need a second Beep Me or Press, we'll probably want them to stay where they are.

(And for a more likely example, the same applies to COMM.)

Laura - Jul 24, 2005 4:06:48 am PDT #10 of 4669
Our wings are not tired.

My world is askew. Yes, it would be nice if the right-hand threads were in fixed order.

Topic!Cindy - Jul 24, 2005 4:17:49 am PDT #11 of 4669
What is even happening?

This is not my beautiful house.

This is not my beautiful wife.

Lee - Jul 24, 2005 7:30:40 am PDT #12 of 4669
The feeling you get when your brain finally lets your heart get in its pants.

I'm glad I'm not the only one freaked out by the fact that BBaBB now appears BELOW B'cracy.

It's just not right.

Polter-Cow - Jul 24, 2005 7:37:51 am PDT #13 of 4669
What else besides ramen can you scoop? YOU CAN SCOOP THIS WORLD FROM DARKNESS!

My world is all askew.

Jesse - Jul 24, 2005 7:44:10 am PDT #14 of 4669
Sometimes I trip on how happy we could be.

Get a grip, people.

Eddie - Jul 24, 2005 7:56:05 am PDT #15 of 4669
Your tag here.

Yeah, I know it's the weekend, but in Edit your Profile!, BBaBB needs to be changed to "Closed Threads/BBaBB".

Edit: actually, that should be "Closed Threads/Site Administration/BBaBB". My OCD thanks you for your support.

DXMachina - Jul 24, 2005 8:22:52 am PDT #16 of 4669
You always do this. We get tipsy, and you take advantage of my love of the scientific method.

Yeah, I know it's the weekend, but in Edit your Profile!, BBaBB needs to be changed to "Closed Threads/BBaBB".

Nope. Normal procedure is to keep a closed thread on the main list for a little while (a week or so) in case people want to catch up. And it'll never be a site administration thread again. That's only for the active site admin threads.