Buffistas Building a Better Board ++
Do you have problems, concerns, or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
Huh... that's kinda neat in an EVIL way.
Well, one easy fix would be to add a checkbox to both of those pages that says:
[] I am not a Buffybot.
If the box is not checked, then they're a bot. Poor man's CAPTCHA.
I've never used it, but this looks promising and fairly trivial to implement. Note that the author (rightly so) points out that CAPTCHAs are not friendly for the visually impaired, so that may be a consideration.
Edit: I just tried it out and it's very trivial to use. Pretty cool, too. However, IE doesn't render the image properly, 'cause IE isn't standards compliant. Too bad. There are other alternatives if you wish to explore this further.
google jrubin3546@aol.com
Just got one from bergkoch8@aol.com which is funny because the next hit was to this story.
bergkoch8@aol.com is the other bcc address we saw.
I fucking hate CAPTCHA. I have 20-20 vision, and one time in four I find myself getting them wrong.
I'm going to tweak the script later today, to see what grounds we can toss these attempts on.
I fucking hate CAPTCHA.
Totally agree with this. The post tommy linked to has suggestions for blocking it.
You should probably look at the "E-mail Admins" form, too.
I *think* the E-mail admins form hasn't been used, because we'd get a copy of the e-mail to us. But I'll doublecheck.
Yeah, I didn't think it had, but reading that stuff on the other site, it seems like a potential target.
I just changed my profile address. I hardly ever check my netscape account these days, and there's been a few times that I haven't seen Buffista mail until after it has lingered in my inbox for days on end.
Will updating the profile change it for all board records tied to my registration? (I want it to be changed across the board).
Also, DX, I want to change my address for the Somervillains list, as well. I have a link somewhere in my bookmarks, and will go look at that first, to see what I have to do, but thought I'd give you a heads up, just in case you need notification.
Will updating the profile change it for all board records tied to my registration?
Let me know if you have any problems with changing your address on the Somervillains list.
Thank you. I think I'm all set, DX. I subscribed with the new account, and unsubbed the old account. Everything seemed to go smoothly, and I got the appropriate email.
but why are people opposed to Verdana?
I dislike the way it looks. I think it's ugly, and would prefer to use a different font.
Personally, I don't find it ugly, but I do find it necessary. Either it, or something like Arial or Tahoma are optimum for me. I'm partially blind in my left eye with a funky distortion of my vision that takes straight lines and curves them in wierd ways. Once you add any kind of serif to the font, I'm not going to say I'm fucked, but it becomes very hard for me to read and gives me headaches. At least with the sans serif fonts, I have some hope of reading the board with minimal problems. I still get eyestrain, anyway, but less of it.
Edit: Oh, and if CAPTCHA is where they put in those really funky distorted random letters/numbers as a way to verify you? I hate those with the burning passion of a thousand suns.