Do you know if the server is running Zend Optimizer? It sounds like upgrading to ZO 2.5.7 fixes this issue as well.
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I just got this: To view a bookmark, just click on it. To delete a bookmark, click on delete. To change the description text, type in the textbox and click on OK.
There has been an error. It's of the type we call fatal. Please don't be scared. You're not the one that's going to die.
Okay, where the $$&#&(@#& are the developers?
when I tried to look at my bookmarks.
Probably the same sort of error. I'll have a look.
Should be good now.
Yep, it is. Thanks!
The jump to the first post on this date is not working for me in Natter. I tried a couple of different dates to see if that made a difference. Instead of taking me to the first post on the date I picked, it took me to the first post in the thread each time.
I tried a couple and it works for me ... what dates were you jumping to?
I tried a couple and it works for me ... what dates were you jumping to?
Sorry, I ended up going to bed after I posted. I tried September 4th and September 5th in Natter. It is working fine now.
The webmail interface for appears to be frelled.
Warning: Illegal offset type in /usr/share/psa-horde/lib/Horde/Registry.php on line 154
Warning: Illegal offset type in /usr/share/psa-horde/lib/Horde/Registry.php on line 154
Warning: Illegal offset type in /usr/share/psa-horde/lib/Horde/Registry.php on line 154
Warning: Illegal offset type in /usr/share/psa-horde/lib/Horde.php on line 485
A fatal error has occurred
Required 'Array' not specified in DataTree SQL configuration. The file /config/conf.php should contain a $conf['storage']['params']['Array'] setting.
تم حفظ التفاصيل لمدير النظام
Wow. Is that Arabic?