Okay, now updating the board.
Buffistas Building a Better Board ++
Do you have problems, concerns, or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
Didn't take. Will have to give it another shot later.
Going to be doing some maintenance tonight so there might be on and off.
Did a bunch of updating of ruby to prep for trying to update the board again. Probably try that tomorrow.
Thanks, Gud. Let us know if there's any checks or testing we can do once the update goes.
Thanks. This is mostly updating dependencies to facilitate more work.
Well, when I first deployed the board I thought it would be better to deploy it with docker rather than directly install things on the server. Now that I'm updating the version of ruby, rails, and all the dependencies I have decided better late that never. So I'm working on creating a docker image for the board even though I've already installed the newer ruby on the server (still running the older one though).
This should make updating the board much smoother in the future when there are updates to ruby and rails.
every so often, i just like to drop into this thread to thank everyone here for keeping us running. You guys rock. I'm not on the board as much anymore, but I am so glad that it is here when I want to come home.
The job change is slowing me down, but I do have a docker container for the board now and I'm deciding how best to set the needed environment variables. I'm thinking of checking in a docker compose yml template and then setting the secret values manually and setting the compose yml to be readable only by the buffista user. That does kinda bring up the issue of where to keep these values. People with access to the server can read them, of course, and that requires logging on with certificate authentication. The only other place I know they exist is in my bitwarden vault.
None of that means anything at all to me, Gud, but ....yay, like Vortex said!