I have installed a new motherboard and my computer is back.
I might have to consider a change to how the automatic sign-in token works. I don't know why it wouldn't work in Safari though. Since I don't have a Mac, I don't have any way to test it unfortunately. Maybe a change in token behavior will fix it too.
I don't know why anyone would have to reset their password everytime. I thought maybe the flag that indicates that the password needs to be reset from migration might not have cleared for some reason, but that doesn't appear to be the case.
I have been fine with passwords. The weird thing was that I had to reset it on each device. I would type in the new password, but it would revert to the old one each time until I clicked the forgot password link. I reset with the same password, and it is fine on that device.
When you say you had to reset, do you mean the reset screen where you type in your old password and then a new password, or do you mean you used the 'forgot password' link?
Used the 'forgot password' link. It occurred to me later that I could probably just clear my cookies, but eh.
Can anyone provide tech support to Suzi and Robin, who can't get in, per their comments on the FB page?
There doesn't seem to be any way to search in a closed thread.
What problem are they having?
Can't log in/can't reset password
This is only a minor issue, but the thread with the most recent posts used to move to the top of the thread list, and now it doesn't.
until I realized I had to click the “remember always” box BEFORE
Hey, I just tried that. Fingers are crossed.