Oh, smacked in the noggin with a 2x4 wrapped in velvet. Yeah, that's what it felt like.

Lorne ,'Smile Time'

Buffistas Building a Better Board ++

Do you have problems, concerns, or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.

Gudanov - Nov 03, 2020 9:40:24 am PST #4437 of 4671
Coding and Sleeping

You can't add or edit issues though. For that you'll need a Gitlab account.

Pix - Nov 03, 2020 10:48:25 am PST #4438 of 4671
We're all getting played with, babe. -Weird Barbie


Which is not to say that I'm not grateful, Gud, and not in awe of your work on the board. I have absolutely no idea how a person goes about creating a board like this, so you might as well be a wizard with a pointy hat and magnificent robe who made this with magic. It's so damn impressive. Many MANY thanks, Gud.

Secondly, I may be misremembering, but wasn't there a thing that when you were really behind in a thread (as I always am these days!) and you scrolled down, you saw a more posts indicator rather than a new posting box? I keep thinking I'm at the end of a thread, but then I think to click "next" and there's more. NOT A DEMAND. Just a question. I am SO grateful.

Sophia Brooks - Nov 03, 2020 2:25:35 pm PST #4439 of 4671
Cats to become a rabbit should gather immediately now here

Here is my weird thing. I think if it is not possible to have read new (instead of next) i would rather have the hamburger menu in the upper right like it is on the phone?

I think I just ALWAYS used read new, and never next, so I am used to being able to navigate at the bottom of the thread.

Gris - Nov 03, 2020 2:31:25 pm PST #4440 of 4671
Hey. New board.

I'm not sure I understand your request. You want s hamburger menu instead of a traditional toolbar even on desktops? Or is this an iPad thing?

Sophia Brooks - Nov 03, 2020 2:40:04 pm PST #4441 of 4671
Cats to become a rabbit should gather immediately now here

Thanks- iPad really with the hamburger menu, but also I would really rather not scroll up with a mouse after posting to read new, if that make sense. It is easier on the devices because I am using my fingers for the whole motion. This is not a make it or break it, I just think there are some of this who are used to not scrolling back up at the end of every thread.

Gudanov - Nov 03, 2020 2:56:28 pm PST #4442 of 4671
Coding and Sleeping

It's in the project issues.

Sophia Brooks - Nov 03, 2020 3:03:56 pm PST #4443 of 4671
Cats to become a rabbit should gather immediately now here

Possibly socialogically, it is interesting to me that I totally don't mind scrolling up to the top on my phone, but it bothers me on the computer. People are weird?

-t - Nov 03, 2020 3:10:11 pm PST #4444 of 4671
I am a woman of various inclinations and only some of the time are they to burn everything down in frustration

Zenkitty just posted on FB that she still can’t get in/reset her password

Dana - Nov 03, 2020 3:21:07 pm PST #4445 of 4671
"I'm useless alone." // "We're all useless alone. It's a good thing you're not alone."

I can reset her password.

Edit: Or not, I guess, since I can't figure out how to do it. I can see her details but I don't see a Reset link.

Gris - Nov 03, 2020 3:23:24 pm PST #4446 of 4671
Hey. New board.

Possibly socialogically, it is interesting to me that I totally don't mind scrolling up to the top on my phone, but it bothers me on the computer

Nah, it's not you, UX (user experience) design. You actually nailed it earlier - the flick to the top with a thumb has an accelerating effect to it that means you can move up quite rapidly to the top of a long scrolling document - this feeling was originally perfected with the iPod scroll wheels I think, but has really gotten nice on modern flat glass devices. Mouse movement, even with a wheel, is generally capped so that the maximum vertical speed is less. Especially if you are like me and have lots of post per page (I do 50), it takes longer and more physical effort to get to he top. Plus, your habits probably mean that as you read, your cursor slowly migrates toward the bottom of the screen, so even if the scroll is fast you still have to move your mouse all the way from the bottom to the top of the screen which, again, physical movement. A track pad on a laptop will make both of these even worse.

If you have a high-end business or gaming mouse designed with this in mind (like the Logitech Master MX I used to have), you can make quick mouse movement and scrolling more possible, but for most users the touchscreen will be a faster, more comfortable device for quickly scrolling all the way to the top.

We will get you a bottom link eventually.