Jayne: What're you gonna tell the others? Mal: About what? Jayne: About why I'm dead. Mal: Hadn't thought about it. Jayne: Make something up. Don't tell 'em what I did.


Buffistas Building a Better Board ++

Do you have problems, concerns, or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.

Gudanov - Dec 01, 2016 5:38:58 am PST #3867 of 4673
Coding and Sleeping

I would check that, but I can't log out. Once I've got things running locally, then I can see what is broke.

Laura - Dec 01, 2016 6:20:19 am PST #3868 of 4673
Our wings are not tired.

I can log out when I uncheck 'remember me' in the profile. I tried adding the user on his machine that isn't logged in as anyone, and on mine logging out and trying register.

Gudanov - Dec 01, 2016 6:42:39 am PST #3869 of 4673
Coding and Sleeping

Yep. It be broken. I'm still at the getting set up phase, so it'll be a bit before I can actually make changes. I'll look at it when I can unless someone beats me to it. I will create a high priority issue in the meantime.

Gudanov - Dec 01, 2016 7:04:28 am PST #3870 of 4673
Coding and Sleeping

Who wants/is involved in the development effort? I need to pass out invites to the gitlab project. You can be involved at a Reporter or Developer level. The difference is basically that Developers can make code changes while Reports can just pull code and create/edit issues.

Liese S. - Dec 01, 2016 7:46:32 am PST #3871 of 4673
"Faded like the lilac, he thought."

I think I can give you the production keys, Gud, although it's been a while since I've been in. Let me know what access you'll need.

Jon B. - Dec 01, 2016 8:22:31 am PST #3872 of 4673
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

Oh, I have the username and password for full ftp/ssh access and the code has the mysql deets.

Gud -- Reach out to me privately and I can send you the info in whatever way you think is appropriately secure.

Gudanov - Dec 01, 2016 8:31:48 am PST #3873 of 4673
Coding and Sleeping

Cool. When I get a chance I can send my public gpg key so you guys can send me info securely.

Jon B. - Dec 01, 2016 8:47:26 am PST #3874 of 4673
A turkey in every toilet -- only in America!

I can send my public gpg key so you guys can send me info securely.

If you also tell me how to use gpg, sure! ;)

Connie Neil - Dec 01, 2016 9:12:28 am PST #3875 of 4673

(it's like listening to people speaking in tongues! It nearly makes sense, but it doesn't at all!)

Laura - Dec 01, 2016 9:21:31 am PST #3876 of 4673
Our wings are not tired.

Yep. It be broken.

I wonder how long it has been since we got a new user.