ita! I could swear that, the other day, before you gave me permissions, the page [link] rendered for me. Today, I am getting the message "No input file specified."
Any idea why? I want to get the ballot up and active this evening (I'm already a day late -- my bad!).
Also, see my post in the lightbulbs thread -- can you please point votes@... to me? Profile addy is good.
OK, I've got the ballot working, but votes@... is not yet pointing to me. I'll make the voting live as soon as that's set.
For the record, "Don't Care" was not one of the choices.
As I said in Bureaucracy, we voted a couple of years ago to exclude that option going forward.
I did not receive an email confirmation of my vote.
Me either, now that I think of it.
Mine isn't in spam, for the record.