Got it. So once goes live, that is basically the board, and will redirect there, so we can post on
Thanks to you and everyone else for all your tech wizardry in maintaining this place!
Do you have problems, concerns, or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
Got it. So once goes live, that is basically the board, and will redirect there, so we can post on
Thanks to you and everyone else for all your tech wizardry in maintaining this place!
Istrata barely responds to emails
Seriously, Charles.
So once goes live, that is basically the board, and will redirect there, so we can post on
No--I'll give the all clear when is fully propagated (and and you can resume your original programming.
Seriously, Charles
I swear (uh, for context, they seem to think I'm Charles Maurice de Tallyrand Pergod because they have never heard of email sigs).
No--I'll give the all clear when is fully propagated (and and you can resume your original programming.
Aha, got it, thanks.
they seem to think I'm Charles Maurice de Tallyrand Pergod
You might be; I've never met you.
To be fair, some people call me Maurice.
I call you the gangster of love.
I've met you once, Space Cowboy is definitely the impression I got.
That's Charles Maurice de Tallyrand Pergod ! people, please.
OMG, I must go see if someone COMM'd that latest bunch of posts, because I"m laughing here...
And I, too, can and will give when we know how much we need?
Where will the all clear message go? Or should we keep clicking our link and seeing if it works? I don't want to do anything that could cause grief (like getting a phone call when you are sync'ing the iPhone), or money (old host saying, "well, there was still a lot of pings to your old site, so, that will be another gazillion dollars").
In case you didn't notice, I really don't know how it all works. Which makes me very appreciative for all the hard work everyone is doing!
Should we have a pizza fund for the programmers?