Okay, here's my inheritance when I delete personal customisation. This is the computed style:
color: #000000;
display: block;
font: normal normal 400 16px/normal Consolas;
height: 19px;
margin: 2px 64px;
padding: 0px;
text-align: left;
width: 669px;
And here is the tree that shows how that came about: [link]
Why is it not triggering buffista.css lines 185 and 190 for everyone? Is it being overridden by the user agent stylesheet? You can see that mine's being overwritten, which is my expectation...naive as I am.
For me, it was totally a refreshing thing. I changed the background color on my own personal stylesheet and it didn't work either. Then I shift-refreshed about 3 times, and suddenly got the new color AND the correct behavior on the blockquote. The CSS must have been cached, and Chrome wasn't checking correctly for a new version or something.
Working for me correctly in Firefox, too.
Everybody try shift-refreshing a few times!
Oh hey, that did it for me. Stupid cache!
God damn it! I swear we put in code to try and force that refresh, but I guess it never worked.
Okay, I'll note that in Press.
Now they're both indented and monospace.
I feel both heartened and chastened simultaneously.
In terms of why it did in my browers I(and I know this is belated) because this is how I told my browser (unintentionally) to handle monspaced. You can have all the css you want, but the browser still decides how to handle the css commands. And if you tell then to, browsers will overide just about anything.
In one broswer it was handling multiline monospace as monospace,but single line monspace as normal text. And the broswer decided that block quote was multi-line even if it only had a line of text, but that cite was (percent) was single line and thus handled as non-monospaced - regardless of what the css said. Something else along those lines was happending in the other browser involving serif and non-serif fonts. I won't bore you with that onem, because the key is that browser settings can override anything in terms of appearance and past a certain point, it is not the developer's problem.
Is <cite> still getting stripped?