Weird. Now that I try in IE, it works fine. Opera says I have the wrong API key, no matter which domain I come at it from.
At least it's just me.
Do you have problems, concerns, or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
Weird. Now that I try in IE, it works fine. Opera says I have the wrong API key, no matter which domain I come at it from.
At least it's just me.
Is the map broken for (any/every)one else?
Seems fine. Except for JZ and Hec apparently living in completely different neighborhoods, the Bay Area checks out.
The map is fine for me but the Post button is gone. I just have
in plain, smallish text under the text box. It works, it just looks odd.
Except for JZ and Hec apparently living in completely different neighborhoods, the Bay Area checks out.
And yet, neither pin is dropped where they actually live. I'm sure it's because neither was specific about their address, but one was slightly more specific than the other (e.g. David just put San Francisco, while JZ included the ZIP code).
Yeah, at one point flea and I were living together at the downtown post office.
And possibly a federal offense.
Ha, I seem to currently be living at the downtown post office in my new city!
And according to map, Nora and Tom are living in different parts of Salem, neither of them where their house is. Heh.
Huh. It had me in a town about 20 miles north of Madison, despite the fact I had my entire address with zip code listed. Once I took out the street address, it looks like it dumped me in the post office, too. But at least I'm in Madison where I belong.
I just had an odd thing. I went to log in and accidentally chose "Register" then realized my mistake and clicked "Log In" instead. After logging in, it took me back to the registry page and I was briefly quite confused, thinking I had been banned or something. It was only after a few seconds of "Wha???" that I realized it had just returned me to my previous page.
It may not be worth the effort, but if doing that "go back to where you were" thing could be modified not to happen for the Registration page in that case can be done easily, it could prevent confusions in the future.