Buffistas Building a Better Board ++
Do you have problems, concerns, or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
Hmm. I don't see the details. Did you enter them in the Additional Comments field?
eta: Never mind! Found them. And it even emailed me again.
Can I have some people go over to and browse and post and threadsuck (the Natter thread has 30000 entries) and tell me if everything's all right?
Everything worked fine for me.
The only glitch I could get at all was threadsucking the Natter thread only gave me the first 30,000 (when I snuck in a post 30,001 without intending to) when I tried it after it closed.
Can you post in the Natter thread now? You weren't supposed to be able to slide a 30001 in there.
Okay, it should suck all the way to the end now.
It slid the 30001 in there but no more after that.
And it still only sucks to 30,000. Shows that it's 30,000 of 30,001 but since I don't think we can post past a thread close on this site, it might not matter over here. Fixed.
Please--I need more people to test before I can make the changes in production.
ita, I get a weird thing over there, that, when I re-size my window, the edge of the center column slides up to halfway behind the boxes on the left. Haven't managed to break the threadsuck yet.
Tried to threadsuck all of current Bitches thread 23,539 posts. Blank page result in Mozilla 3.0.14 on XP Media Center. I'll try on another machine.