Sail, it looks like the date bookmarked field got overwritten in the conversion--sorry about that.
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I don't think I would have even noticed it if it hadn't been the very first post on the page at the time. I tend to pay more attention to them.
There's some whitefont spillover in Movies, starting in this post: Strega "Buffista Movies 7: Brides for 7 Samurai" May 22, 2009 11:52:43 pm PDT
Question: For those of us amongst you posters that don't use short tags why not? Is the result unpredictable? Inflexible? Confusing explanation? How can we clear things up?
I like and use the short tags, but sometimes I want multiple effects, e.g. spoilers or italics within a block quote.
Are the short tags you're talking about the board shortcuts for html? Like line break i whatever you want italicized line break end italics? And the similar trick for spoiler font?
If that's what you're talking about, I don't use them because I usually goof them up. With html, I know and can see exactly what I want the text to do. I sometimes forget to close tags, but I usually catch it myself and go back and fix it immediately. Using the shortcuts, I can't see what it's doing before I hit post, and when it takes me three tries and I still goof it up? Chances are, I'm not going to use the shortcuts.
I realize they're simpler for most people. For me they're not intuitive, I have to practice forever and still may not remember how to use them if I don't have occasion to use them several times a week.
Basically, I try to avoid using italics, bold, or spoiler font. I gave up fake html when we left TT because I always made a mess when I tried to use it the way it's set up here.
I'll make a point to use asterisks and upper case and exclamation points instead of italics and bold, etc., and to avoid discussions where spoiler font is necessary, if using html is causing problems.
Oops, sorry about my post -- did I leave the closing tag off? Dur.
I usually use the quick-edit tags, but I thought for spoilers we should use the long version since not everyone wants spoilers to be whitefont.
The quick edit tag makes the spoilers the same color as the background unless the user has explicitly changed their CSS, so it's the safest way to keep everyone happy.
[eta: That is, there's no difference between 's' and <span class="spoiler"> except extra typing in the second case]
Ooooh. I thought it was the opposite that the quick-edit still made the font white regardless of the background. Cool.
I've created two new categories of Buffista Links. Please go over there and submit links. Also, have a look over the other links in case you see something redundant, irrelevant, or dead.The link labeled:
BuffistaPics (posted by DXMachina)goes to a page that says:
The MSN Groups service has closed
Also, the link for: Central site for Aly-nessdoesn't seem to go where we would want. It looks to be an auto parts link.
Webmonkey HTML Cheatsheet (posted by Daniel C. Jensen)links to a page that says:
sorry, that file was not found
I swear, I just randomly clicked on things, and most came up as bad links. I promise I didn't break it. I wasn't playing ball in the house. Really. I swear.