While we're on css - what fonts are people reading the board in? I'm not 100% satisfied with anything I've tried so far (Verdana, Tahoma, Calibri, Arial).
[eta: Hm, Helvetica seems nice.]
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While we're on css - what fonts are people reading the board in? I'm not 100% satisfied with anything I've tried so far (Verdana, Tahoma, Calibri, Arial).
[eta: Hm, Helvetica seems nice.]
Jess, see if float:left works for the breadcrumbs.
more complicated than just the float: change text-align in both the class and the id styles, and the float, and change the positioning so it's defined by the left side instead of the right. display:none is so much easier.
#breadcrumbs { text-align: left; }
.breadcrumbs { float: left; left: 0px; text-align: left; }
and Lucida Grande
I'm reading whatever's the default. I think it's Tahoma. (courier for quoting and in the posting box)
display:none is so much easier
Heh - true.
But thanks for the float advice anyway!
Is there a way to make the breadcrumbs appear on the same line as the rest of the navbar without changing <div class="breadcrumbs"> to <span>?
Default font is Verdana, quote font is whatever you have defined as your default monospace font (which is almost always Courier, but could be different for some systems), and the posting box (like forms all over the web) is determined by the browser rather than the stylesheet.
.breadcrumbs {background: none;}
the posting box (like forms all over the web) is determined by the browser rather than the stylesheet.
Though you can style it if you want, at least in Opera on the Mac.
Is there a way to make the breadcrumbs appear on the same line as the rest of the navbar without changing to ?
Try top:0;, although if they overlap, one will sit on top of the other if they're still divs.
Though you can style it if you want, at least in Opera on the Mac.
Actually, you can in a bunch of browsers now -- it's just been so long since I've tried that my head was still in "you're stuck with the default" mode. Duh. More css to play with!
.breadcrumbs {background: none;}
I tried that, and it didn't work. I put it right underneath the other codes that started with periods. I still see the yellow box.