If it does, DON'T POST.
I'm sorry if this is a really dumb question, but, um - how can I know if something like this may or may not happen again, unless I post?
It happened for the first time only when I posted, *after* I clicked the "Post message" link (I wanted to post only once, of course, not to get the 204 travel-in-time posts I ended up with).
It's a bit like quantum physics: the only way to make sure how something looks, is by changing it.
All of the above, of course, is my being slow, and doesn't change in any way the rockstardom that aurelia referred to.
ita is indeed a rock star. Thank you again for all you do for us.
For the record: The first visit this morning I read Press, then hit Read New. I landed at the historical Nilly post. Every Read New since that first time has been as it should be.
Sorry, Nilly. I hadn't noticed that it didn't happen until after posting. Amendment: my fix deletes posts made after the upgrade, so don't post once you've noticed it.
Sorry, and thanks for your patience.
the board is fast like lightning today. ita rules.
No, ita, please, no sorry! I'm just pleased that we now understand each other.
I'm going to post in my town now, and let's see what happens, OK?
[Edit: and it worked like a charm. ita, you so totally rock. Thank you so much!]
I think we all need to do the "ita rocks" dance.
Thanks, guys! These changes should improve the stability, scalability, and security of the board.
I don't say enough how grateful I am and how in awe I am of the programming of this board. It's ruined me for lesser boards.
It has me too, and when it begins behaving like other boards do, I realize how very spoiled I've become.