I use html for everything because I've never been able to do the quickedit thing successfully. I get weird line breaks and inevitably the italics or spoilerfont gets frelled, I edit a kabillion times and generally feel like a failure.
How dire is it that I do the (s)text(/s) stuff instead of quickedit?
You may be spoiling people who don't want to be spoiled and making extra work for those that do want the spoilers.
How dire is it that I do the (s)text(/s) stuff instead of quickedit?
using the spoiler class as I posted above is exactly the same as using the s quickedit, except it takes a lot longer to type.
What you put in your CSS style sheet affects only what you see, not what anyone else sees.
Just proves how little I know about CSS!
I'll use the s quickedit. Thanks, all.
Oh, that's what the question meant! Misread on my part. Sorry.
I think some people actually consider the visiblity of spoiler text a feature rather than a bug. But maybe they could just modify the spoiler tag in their style sheet?
I have my spoiler text set to a pale yellow. That way I can barely read it on the iPhone, where highlighting is not possible. It is dim enough that if I don't want to read it, it doesn't jump out at me, but visible enough that if I do want to read it, I just zoom in a bit and I can.
That's what I do, omnis, but I use pink.
We know you turned the whole board pink again, Jon. It's okay. It's only affecting you.
I copy and paste from the quick-edit formatting link or the HTML one. Is one better than the other?
Do you mean is using the s quickedit any better than using the class="spoiler" code? No, they have the exact same effect.