Trust me, I'm blushing. A whole lot of cotton wool going on up here.
Jon--I had another thought about the right hand panel. I guess this is where people who may have extensively customised their CSS shoot me, but, well, might as well test the krav training. Maybe no one got that far.
Philosophically, should each thread in, say, Site Administration be a list element, potentially broken into spans to accomodate the formatting needs within the title/slug combo? As it is, each one is two divs.
Of course, in that case, the list of threads on the front page should be a thread element, and that starts getting unwieldy...
The board is reeeeeeeally slow for me today, both getting on a thread and posting.
Philosophically, should each thread in, say, Site Administration be a list element, potentially broken into spans to accommodate the formatting needs within the title/slug combo?
Perhaps. Seems like overkill at the moment.
I'm getting carried away, I realise. But I don't want to spread the CSS tweaking over too wide a timespan.
This is weird. I put Maryland in my profile, and the Buffista Map thinks I live in Springfield, Virginia.
Or maybe it thinks I should move there.
Wolfram, I can only hope it isn't the latter. I put Fairfax County, VA, and the map thinks I live in a cemetery near George Mason University.
I'm okay with GMU. It's the cemetery part that bothers me.
I wonder what it would do if someone listed their location as "The Hellmouth."