Board looks great and I'm looking forward to learning some CSS.
I saw the conversation earlier about the Home button and why it's at the bottom of the screen rather than above the posting box. I was wondering if it would be easy to add some blank space below it. It's difficult to use on the iPhone as the browser's back button is directly below it. If it's too much work, I'll just wait for the fix. Thanks!
#footer {margin-bottom:1em;}
Increase 1em to something bigger, if that's not enough space.
Webmonkey relaunched today!
Oh, wow. I learned much from that site back at the dawn of internet time.
Yay, webmonkey! I loved it back in the day, and when just puttering around for some CSS quick fixes was quite frustrated by dead links that ended there.
Jon, did you get a chance to poke at the nesting of the containers of the main_left panel?
Sorry, no, not yet. I did update the voting page though! :)
No problem. I'm just about to dive into what Deena wrote--do you have a framework page to drop that into?
do you have a framework page to drop that into?
Sorry, no, not yet. I did update the voting page though! :)
From looking at it, Deena, I think it could stand to be dumbed down a bit in the beginning, and I'm wondering if we shouldn't tidy up buffista.css a little. Not in any huge way, in any way that should break anyone's custom CSS. Just to make it more legible.
Like saying
body {
text-align: center;
background-color: #fff;
min-width: 700px;
font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
instead of
body {
text-align: center;
background: #fff;
min-width: 700px;
font-family: verdana, tahoma, arial, sans-serif;
Making all our hex codes 6 digits long.
Adding comments.
You know, polite stuff. And we should definitely link to it from both the CSS entry page and the how-tos.