Tiggy, I don't mean to be perpetually ignoring your lack of a footer. I'm just trying to work out why it didn't make it over the first time.
I know you aren't ignoring me. i'm just being whiny. i'm probably the only one who reads the board by using the Buffistas Home link.
Oh, wait, it DID change stuff. But in the posts, not the main page.
really? it changed the main page for me too. weird.
Hee. I was just coming in to say I tried Jon's fornula, but went with .25em instead, because I know how to do that now.
Thanks all!
really? it changed the main page for me too. weird.
I think it changed the main page now too. I'm not sure why it looked the same at first.
Wait--I didn't copy over any changes you made to fix the line issue. Why don't you edit over there, and I'll copy over.
That's already changed over there in showthread.php
I'm reading the board in Helvetica, AIFG!
Helvetica! I haven't tried that one yet!
[Huh, looks exactly like Tahoma.]
[Oops, no, there it goes. Hmmm. Too skinny for me, I think.]
Okay. Showthread.php change implemented. All good.
And the Gray Line of Doom is gone!
You guys rock!
When I go into 'Edit personal css' the box shows the change I made months ago. I add more stuff and a long error page appears with my new css at the bottom. Next time I go in it shows only the one change I made long ago but not the new stuff.