to get things to look right.
Define "right".
Do you have problems, concerns, or recommendations about the technical side of the Phoenix? Air them here. Compliments also welcome.
to get things to look right.
Define "right".
The link to the new stylesheet
Awesome, thanks!
Er, now there's padding at the beginning of posts too. Between the tag and the first line of the post. Every post.
I've used the CSS version of the site on and off for 6 months or so - it's wicked cool, and looks fine after a day or so of usage.
The way it looked at 9:59 PDT last night.
I must have missed the day in Interface Design class where "user friendly" was defined as requiring users to hand code css sheets to get things to look right.
What you definitely did miss was the day when I solicited feedback on what does look right. I lose track of how long I've been running, but I know that it was announced here because other people have been using it for as long as a year.
And I know I asked here more than once, and I'm pretty sure I did it in press too--if not I apologise sincerely.
Register & Validate are fixed on
My assumption in reading this thread for the last couple of weeks is that the changes were going to be to the back end to speed things up. Then the map showed up. I didn't realize that we were going to scrap all the old pages. I should've read closer, apparently.
As far as the css site goes, I knew it existed, mostly because Jon would mention it once in awhile. I had to threadsuck this thread Thursday or Friday to find the link to it.
My concern is that simply stating, well if they don't like it they can fix it, doesn't especially work if the they in question don't know how anything about css in the first place.
I've taken a look at the CSS, and I don't know what to change! Everything is in percentages, and the only mention of font is an entire family.
P-C, I changed my personal CSS to this and it made the board look more normal to me:
body { font-family: verdana, helvetica, arial; font-size:11pt; }
I can deal with all the other changes, but i'm really missing my "Buffistas Home" link at the bottom of the page. </diamond shoes pinching>
ETA: thanks, Kristen. that definitely looks like the old board font.