I see now that my complaint about line weirdness was really that stupid gray line coincidently aligning with the line underneath "Read New | Message Center", etc.
The text in the left column looks odd, although I can't put my finger on why. The font seems correct, unless maybe it's a point size too big, but the spacing seems off.
Another vote for providing the default CSS so people can see how it can be edited. Goodbye, Verdana!
Thanks ita, for everything.
Also, I am sorry for the whining now and not checking the css earlier--I thought I'd been keeping up here until this week, but clearly I wasn't.
I see now that my complaint about line weirdness was really that stupid gray line coincidently aligning with the line underneath "Read New | Message Center", etc.
'Xactly. I think I've found a fix for the line-iness. I did it by moving the posting box and the jump & search forms from the footer into the main section. My fix is up at css.buffistas.net, if anyone wants to take a look.
Another vote for providing the default CSS so people can see how it can be edited.
The stylesheet lives here: [link]
Y'all rock. Thanks for the efforts.
heads off to play with css
this is why I asked for input before I changed over
Sorry about that. I didn't even know where the CSS site was until Friday.
Mea culpa. I would have been pissed at a client that did that to me. I had looked at the css version, but not really processed it.
I was hoping I could change my settings so that there was less padding in the posts, especially at the bottom.
I tried changing this
post {
padding-bottom: 1.5em;
padding-top: 1em;
border-bottom: solid 1px;
to this
post {
padding-bottom: .25em;
padding-top: .25em;
border-bottom: solid 1px;
But it didn't help. What should I be doing?
Everyone's getting the turbo css course. Kewl.
Except for those of you that didn't want it, sadly.
Perkins, try increasing the number instead--the padding is the blank space. Or have a look at what Jon's done at css.buffistas.net, and if that meets with general acclaim it can be ported over.
Perkins, try increasing the number instead--the padding is the blank space.
If I increase the padding number, there'll be less blank space?
I will try that.
The gray line of doom still shows up at the css site for me, by the way.
Figured out what was striking me odd about the left column. The horizontal rules between the link groups aren't there. Also, both the letter spacing and line spacing are greater than they used to be, so the links look bigger even though the font is the same point size.