Huh. Sean, it seems that it will accept just your zip code fine. But for some reason not with the city name. Which makes no sense. I will poke around with that some more, to get deeper into the error messages.
JZ, you're in there with a longitude and latitude of 37.775196, -122.419205. Megan's squat on top of you, is what.
Okay, I just changed my location from "City, ST Zip" to just "Zip" and now there's JZ! and my marker is semi-accurate vis-à-vis my house.
Okay, hitches had been present in updating locations with spaces, and now that should be done with. Sorry!
Omnis, PC, if you go through [link], do your changes register there?
Yes, they did! Now I am where I say I am.
Okay, what I can do is make the markers draggable, so you can move them out of the way to see if there's another one underneath. This
will not
affect any location information stored in the database. It will disappear as soon as you reload the page.
Alright. On the css site I made basically two changes -- the icons are movable, so you can hunt people down better, and your own icon is blue.
Jon--are you seeing that border? I couldn't duplicate it, even when I deleted my personal style sheet. But I've put border-style:none in just in case.