Oh, lordie, I just remembered that I had a dream about your favicon, BD. In my dream, I figured out that the upside-down coathanger was the lower left portion of the correct icon magnified a few times. It made sense in the dream, anyway.
I also dreamt about a plush-toy beaver that was alive, sentient, and playing piano duets with a wealthy matronly woman in the parlour of a mansion with plate-glass windows.
I want what Jon's having.
That'll teach him to have a late night snack at White Castle before he goes to sleep.
Sometimes he gets friiiiiiies.....
I love it the dreams that make perfect sense until you wake up and wonder how under any circumstances that they made any sort of sense.
Yeah, and the favicon dream made sense too.
Is there a way for me to make my link in this post point to the most recent posts in the Firefly thread?
All you need to do is edit the post number in the link to point at the post number you wish to start at.
Moooomm, the board won't let me log out, and I'm on ND's computer. Help?
ETA: Nebbermind. All set.