There seems to be something going weird with the dcistas listserve. Last week, Sparky sent out an invite. Some people got it, others didn't. (I didn't. I'm not sure exactly who did and who didn't.) Today, she sent out a reminder. I did not get that, but Maria responded to it, in a mail to the whole list, and I did get Maria's response. I'm not sure what's going on with it.
t edit: I checked my spam folder, and the missing messages aren't there, either
I think we should, but I have no idea how our finances stand.
Our finances are fine, if it costs the several hundred dollars mentioned up thread.
Our finances are fine, if it costs the several hundred dollars mentioned up thread.
Aha. Thanks.
Are there any naysayers to the suggestion?
But remind me to make a new money-requesting post Sunday or Monday, if I haven't. I think my last one was over the weekend, and response was minimal.
I'm sure I'm not the only person who just got an email from People's Forum... How is this possible?
I've pledged to continue running the site (for no pay) as long as members continue to be willing to pay for the cost of hosting it (presently $224/month), and so far they have done just that. In fact, PF has been entirely member-supported for almost 4 years now!
How are we getting off so cheap if PF costs $224 a month??
I quickly unsubbed my self off that list.
I suspect that Lance Brown isn't, maybe, the most hard-deal-driving savvy businessman out there.
And maybe we just got lucky.
$224 is probably managed hosting, where somebody is else paid to manage the server. I'm saying probably as I've no clue of the situation, but $224 is ball park for a very decent spec server with fully managed hosting from a big company. From my experience, I paid on average (over the last few years) $70 a month for the UK and US Serenity sites, with registered user numbers at the low 5 figures. I've got it down to $50 nowadays by ditching some of the really old content and moving back to shared hoting.
Jesse, don't forget to make your finances post. ::random reminder fairy::
Spoiler font spill in aisle Literary.