Right now the board code is like a slightly messy house. There are at least two outstanding (non-critical, but should still be addresses) bugs for which I can point to the code that needs to be fixed. I just haven't.
Also, all the admin pages are not spiffed up to the level of the pages you guys see. So there's that.
I'm just
behind on coding stuff. My brain is so not there. Hell, I recoded a large part of the board about a year ago, and haven't had the oomph to fix that one IE issue and roll it into production (although I've been running on that code the whole time. Just not using IE).
I just got a fatal error. I copied it to bring it over here and then lost it again. I was posting in Bitches at the time.
With Steve.
On the moon.
There has been an error. It's of the type we call fatal. Please don't be scared. You're not the one that's going to die.
Okay, where the $$&#&(@#& are the developers?
December 15, 2006, 12:51 pm Aimée[68]: FATAL [256] SELECT COUNT(*) AS sub_count FROM subscriptions WHERE user_id=68 AND thread_id= failed: You have an error in your SQL syntax near '' at line 1
Fatal error in line 103 of file /home/httpd/vhosts/buffistas.org/httpdocs/classes/giles.php, PHP 4.3.10 (Linux)
Fatal error in context array ( 0 => array ( 'query' => 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS sub_count FROM subscriptions WHERE user_id=68 AND thread_id=', 'db' => NULL, 'result' => false, ), )Aborting...
God damn that error. I just can't replicate the steps that lead up to it. The details it gives should be impossible. Let me dedicate some of next week to more rigourous error-checking.
This is why we can't have nice things.
The link to Sang Sacre's history is dead.
Is the history stored anywhere else?
I don't know if John H's original file is anywhere else, but I've been working on reconstructing it. IIRC, it was just a collection of posts gathered from the original discussion (which was in the WX BuffyBackstory thread)., mostly David describing the neighborhoods. I did find the discussion in the archived thread, so it's not lost.