Jude Law is tacky, I'm afraid. Luckily I don't know him in real life.
Thanks, y'all! And miracle of miracles, I even have two Benadryl tablets. That plus two tylenol flu tablets and some leftover prescription cough medicine are the extent of my medicine collection.
Ow. I don't understand how that woman could read her nanny's blog obsessively, because the white text on black screen is painful. I'm seeing a ghost image of it on our lovely background as I type this. Ow.
Ii htought you were going to say that's what you took tonight, Jesse! You would have slept for a week straight!
Does ita know there's swimming going on in Montreal while she's there?
mmm... water polo.
Yesterday there was a guy who looked vaguely like a straight haired, buffed water polo version of Naveen Andrews at the pool. He was doing some playing around and drill like things with a water polo ball.
Sadly, he was not there today.
Croatian swimmers? Score!
I read a bunch of stuff on Nannygate, and the wife is an ass. The nanny wasn't bright, but the wife is one hell of an ass.
Ii htought you were going to say that's what you took tonight, Jesse! You would have slept for a week straight!
Har. No. It's a miracle I even had the Benadryl -- I have no idea when or why I bought it.
The nanny makes me roll my eyes here:
In fact during my 5 month employ at Ms. Olen's, I spent two and a half months celibate. Yep. Celibate.
Two and a half months with no sex!?!?!?!?!? THE HORROR!!! @@
Oh, which reminds me -- I told my parents about the eyeroll emoticon. They liked it.
So, what can you do about itchy bug bites? I have a zillion on my ankles, and they are DRIVING ME MAD.
Are you sure they aren't flea bites? When my dog had fleas, I used to get bitten on the ankles all the time because the fleas got into the rug.
How would there be fleas in my house? The cat does not go out. And is not itchy.
OK, phew. You made me paranoid for a minute there. Anyway, I sleep with my feet uncovered, but the rest of me under the covers, so that would explain that.
I love how I totally derail Natter with my random issues all the time.