Sometimes, the channel will censor the language if they broadcast the show before 7:00 pm. A few weeks ago, I caught "The Crossing" on A&E at 8:00 am, and they bleeped a few phrases that were intact every other time I've seen the movie on that channel (a few "Goddamns" and a reference to a general's balls).
The History Channel's broadcast of "Band of Brothers" keeps the "shits" intact, but replaces the "fucks" with other words.
Found it. It's "Wanted" on TNT.
Sometimes, the channel will censor the language if they broadcast the show before 7:00 pm.
Like when Jon Stewart talked to the "Bullshit" author, he mentioned that only the airings that night would have "Bullshit" not bleeped out.
Does Comedy Central really go all out in their late-night airings, like the ads say?
I am fascinated by the increased swearing on the regular cable. And I LOVE IT.
That's because you have a potty mouth, young lady.
Does Comedy Central really go all out in their late-night airings, like the ads say?
I caught the South Park movie after midnight on Comedy Central a few months ago, and it was definitely uncut and unedited--all the harsh language and visible body parts intact!
Once upon a time, there was a broadcast corp (I don't remember what channel) that used to overdub all the cursing and it was REALLY annoying and yet extremely amusing at the same time. They'd attempt to use phrases that matched the mouth movements. And not the expected "shoot" for "shit." I remember only laughing to the point of tears over "fishsticks" in some gung-ho action shot.
I am fascinated by the increased swearing on the regular cable. And I LOVE IT.
Except the FCC wants to regulate "indecency" on cable, so I hope the naughty words don't give them ammo.
I caught the South Park movie after midnight on Comedy Central a few months ago, and it was definitely uncut and unedited--all the harsh language and visible body parts intact!
Really?? Wow, because I was kind of scandalized (not really - I find profanity hilarious for the most part) sitting in the movie theater. On TV? I can't even imagine.